Sunday, 10 March 2013

My newest, most favourite pattern.

hello all.

i spotted on Pinterest the other day the most beautiful little dress pattern, the Narita Dress.
i was on the cusp of buying it when i thought i would try to replicate it.

i did so and come out with this little number.

i just created the pattern through visualising the pattern pieces and taking measurements from my daughter. i came pretty close i reckon. i know that i didn't quite get the fullness in the dress.

i thought i could try to alter my pattern pieces to achieve a closer result but i really love the pattern so much that i went ahead and purchased it.

i really appreciate all the effort that Adrianna put in to achieve a beautiful pattern which comes in size 18mth - 8yrs.

having a go at creating this pattern for myself was very satisfying. i hope to continue practicing and you never know, i might even release my own pattern in the future, but probably not :)

here are a few more pics of my new dress and my gorgeous model.

once i have made a dress up with the authentic pattern i'll be sure to show you the result.
till then, xxx

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