Saturday, 16 March 2013

Summery Swing Narita Dress

hello. i purchased the narita dress the other day because i fell in love with it.

here is what i made with it.

i just love the swing it has to it. cool and flowy.

it is a great pattern if you only have a teeny tiny bit of your favourite fabric left.
you can add it to this dress on the yoke or pockets.

if you saw my previous post you will notice that the proper pattern gives a much better result than trying to copy the pattern myself.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

My newest, most favourite pattern.

hello all.

i spotted on Pinterest the other day the most beautiful little dress pattern, the Narita Dress.
i was on the cusp of buying it when i thought i would try to replicate it.

i did so and come out with this little number.

i just created the pattern through visualising the pattern pieces and taking measurements from my daughter. i came pretty close i reckon. i know that i didn't quite get the fullness in the dress.

i thought i could try to alter my pattern pieces to achieve a closer result but i really love the pattern so much that i went ahead and purchased it.

i really appreciate all the effort that Adrianna put in to achieve a beautiful pattern which comes in size 18mth - 8yrs.

having a go at creating this pattern for myself was very satisfying. i hope to continue practicing and you never know, i might even release my own pattern in the future, but probably not :)

here are a few more pics of my new dress and my gorgeous model.

once i have made a dress up with the authentic pattern i'll be sure to show you the result.
till then, xxx