Saturday, 16 February 2013

a dress for scarlett

hiya :)

i made a cute little dress for scarlett the other day. i used a spotted sheet i found at the salvos and some gorgeous fabric i picked up from spotlight.

it turned out a little shorter than i planned so i must make some matching bloomers to cover her nappy.
i love the cool design of this dress with the open back.
i added a little bow to the front to finish off the dress.
i used the same pattern i drafted when i made this dress a while ago.
oh how my little scarlett has grown.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Healthy Apple Muffins - Yummy!


i am really enjoying the beginning of this school year, all 2 days of it so far.
the chore chart is working a treat. we have been early to school both days and the kids have been early to bed each night. sierra and saxon were both asleep before 8:30pm tonight so i am happy :)

because i am trying hard to be responsible and organised i wanted to make something healthy for the kids lunch box. the last two days i had made honey joys. they were DELICIOUS but no overly healthy. i figured at least they were handmade rather than store bought and filled with preservatives. i even used raw sugar so it was a little less refined.

for my healthy snack i decided on apple muffins. all the kids love apple and i thought that they would surely love them. i used this recipe. i didn't use blueberries in this recipe though.

here is a quick rundown on how i made them:
3 apples peeled, cored and chopped into cubes

160 g self-raising flour
150 g wholemeal flour
150 g raw sugar

180 g milk
2 eggs
70 g olive oil
1/2 tsp baking powder

place all ingredients, except the fruit, into a bowl and mix.
add apples.
Spoon the batter into patty pans and place in a muffin tray. bake in a moderate oven (180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
my little scarlett loved licking the spoon once i was done, so i was confident they were going to be a huge success.

once they were done i couldn't wait to try one out with a nice cuppa tea.

so the test would be whether the kids would like them.
i prepared them with the idea of a delicious snack made only with ingredients they actually liked...
and sure enough the 3 school kids didn't like them, saxon wouldn't even try them :(
i was told by saige that she would definitely have eaten then if they had blueberries in them.
grrrrr...i just can't win sometimes.
anyway i hope you will try out this recipe because it really was yummy, and healthy.
until next time,
sherry x